Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Red is the Colour of LOVE

Yahoo! Finally I received my handsome fiancé’s Valentines gift for me – a Red Nintendo DS Lite! I am so happy :D I had been longing to own a DS Lite since I got hooked with Sudoku but he knew I would never come around buying one so he bought it for me instead. Why because I would rather go on shopping spree for a new wardrobe than spend a lot of money for just a teeny gadget! I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend who always spoils me. Thanks darling! *hugs*

It comes with Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training that contains Sudoku puzzles and numerous exercises to test a person's memory, math and perception skills. Let’s see if this is more effective than Gingko Biloba (hehe =p)

Harley has this tradition of giving me something RED (my fave colour) on Valentines. His gift last year was a RED iPod. I still love it. I use it everyday :)

And his Valentines gift for me in the NEAR future is a RED Audi R8. Something to look forward to... Haha! =p

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