Thursday, 5 February 2009

Mall At Work

I had asked Mall to take photos of her while she's doing our wedding illustrations so I could blog about it... but she beat me into it (click here for her blog). But nevertheless I grabbed her photos (see below) so I can keep a record here of how amazingly kind and wonderfully sweet she has been to us.

Mall's blog by the way is a finalist of the Eighth Annual Weblog Awards, under the Best Asian Weblog category.

I hadn't known she was nominated because I would absolutely vote for her. Sayang

Really, her blog truly deserves to win. It's very informative about her latest works, she doesn't hesitate to share how she came up with her concepts and which art materials she'd use. It is educational. It is inspirational.

Well, SHE is very inspirational.

If you ever need a fix from the blogosphere, I suggest to visit her blog. Well you never know. It might awaken the dormant creative juices you might have all along within you

Mall: "So I finished my illustration for the first page of their wedding invitation. I'm quite happy that they loved it!"
No, we just don't love it. We super duper to the highest level love it!

Mall: "My old Acacia wood table. It looks like a Japanese table. I love it."

Mall working on our entourage/bridal party page. Doesn't she look so cool and adorable?

Tweet. Tweet.

Mall: "And when I take a break, I love to carve my own rubber stamps. Hmmm, I need to finish carving my new classic alphabets and other unique creatures for my own stamp collection!"
Wow. She never runs out of creativity!

Interested of her stamps? Check out the Kirkus Shop. This cute online shop is a joint business venture with her sister Erica.

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