Great news, Harley and I finally have our leaves sorted out and plane tickets booked. We are all set to go home in July for two weeks to attend the Discovery weekend, have an initial gown fitting (scary), food tasting (droll) and book the suppliers that we still lack. When we realized that our schedule would be tight, we thought that fitting the prenup pictorial into it would be a wishful thinking. We only have just one day to spare for the prenup and the chance that Mimi and Karl are free on that day is very slim as they are of course very in demand in their field. But God is very generous to us, it turned out that they are free and they readily offerred to block the date for the prenup. Yey! It is going to be a "sulit" vacation after all =)
We will be having the prenup just within the Metro. Harley and I are still brainstorming where to do it (suggestions, please). Yes we are excited for it, and a bit apprehensive as both of us are camera-shy (hehe that's true, promise), but we are more looking forward of finally meeting M+K. We are fans of their works. Would it be jologs to ask for autographs? Haha