Tuesday, 27 February 2007
New Home
Though I now live alone, I don't feel alone because within the vicinity my friends also reside - Ria's and Jaspher's units are at Makati Executive Tower while Rose and Stella's is same floor with mine at Cityland 8. It's like the Friends setup, cool :) I have my friends to run to if ever I need something like kung gusto ko makinood ng Maging Sino Ka Man, e di punta lang ako kina Rose, hehehe.
I already feel at home in my new place. The first night I slept there, I didn't feel something eerie. When I woke up in the middle of the night, there's no child sitting at the room's corner and staring at me with all black eyes (shocks I shouldn't entertain this thought, tinatakot ko lang sarili ko e, grrr!) Ah basta, it feels comfy and warm - though a bit oldie, it's good enough for me. They say that the area (Gil Puyat Ave.) gets flooded during the rainy season, we don't have to worry because Jaspher has recently bought an airbed - we'll just use it and float away to our respective offices hahaha!
Monday, 19 February 2007
Happy BingDay!
Bing has a very BIG heart, not only for her family and Lingkod sisters & brothers but also for her friends. Oh I wish that if I’ll trace our family tree I’m her long lost pamangkin. Kasi pag may sale sa Mall, she buys more clothes for her nieces than for herself – mga branded pa! What a generous Tita! =) She’s very considerate – she automatically thinks of others first than herself – she's very manggi-ikugon (with tail? hahahaha I don’t know the English & Tagalog word for this). She also never hesitates to correct you if she thinks you’re doing something wrong to the point of ruining yourself. But if she thinks you’re not open to criticism, stubborn or hardheaded (oo guilty ako dyan =p), she’ll just keep her opinion to herself and say “bahala na mo oi, mga dagku na bitaw mo” hahahaha! She’s also very wise, she’s the one you can run to for sound advices or if you just need someone to listen to you. She also cares a lot for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. I remember, when we had BIBO last year (we tutored Grade 4 kids at Baseco), she's very passionate of her commitment. Teacher Bing would stay up late to research for her English lessons or to prepare diagnostic exams and visual aids.
What I admire most about Bing is her close and going strong relationship with God. She didn’t badger me to join Lingkod, I joined because watching her live her life faithfully and contentedly in His arms and getting to know her more, she’s inspiration enough. I received a good news last week – that she’s going to be my Action Group leader in Lingkod (an Action Group is like a support group composed of 5 to 8 sisters). When I found out about that I was so glad because even if we’ll no longer be housemates next month (our contract in our condo will end by then and we have decided to go our separate ways and live independently) she’ll be able to guide me in my spiritual life and this will bring our relationship to the next level (naks!). Truly God has a way to steer me to the right path =)
I am so thankful of Bing for a lot of reasons. I hope all her dreams – for her career, her family and future family – will come true. She deserves all the blessings this world can offer. Bing, stand firm in your faith – keep up the good work, hehehe =) May you continue to inspire others to embrace God’s love as you inspired me.Read more...
Thursday, 15 February 2007
VDay: the Tagalog way
I can't help but compare between how Valentines is celebrated in Cebu and in
Here in
Iba talaga ang VDay dito sa
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
How sweet it is to be loved by you!
Here's the link: http://yelraharley.blogspot.com/2007/02/two-sweet-october.html
Monday, 12 February 2007
You get to know only certain people because they’re meant to play a major role in your life or you have a supporting/contrabida role in theirs. You only get the breaks thrown at your way because you’re one of the right persons who can handle them and that big break you’re waiting for is simply not meant for you. You’re at a certain place, at a certain time because you have a purpose to fulfill there.
Ria and I are joining a PDL (Purpose Driven Life) discussion group every Wednesday at King's court. Not because we wanted to catch a Maging Sino Ka Man shooting (FYI King's court is actually the Madrigal building…), although I really hope I'll see John Lloyd again or Anne Curtis in person, it's because we want to embark in a journey about finding life's purpose through the infamous book of Rick Warren. Don't we all ask that question what on Earth am I here for? It's a wonderful group of Makati (or those who work in/near Makati) young professionals. They've had these discussion groups for years and we are the nth group. Those who already graduated (yes, there's a "graduation" after a group finishes the book) from previous years still meet at King's court to bond and worship God. It's a place regardless of religion - by this I mean, it doesn't matter if you're Catholic, Baptist, Jehovah's Witness, as long as you're a Christian because it's about building a closer relationship with God.
I still can’t figure out what is exactly my purpose in life should be, though, I do have an idea. After the PDL sessions, I’ll get back to you. I hope by then I can give you more sensible, more philosophical opinions :p Actually I’m experiencing midlife crisis, aw quarter-life pala kasi I’m too young for that, about what I really want in my career. Gusto ko ba talaga magIT? Or maging Financial Analyst (hehehehe)? Or maging housewife forever na maghihintay lang ng allowance for my regular spa/salon visits (uyyy pinagpapawisan na naman si Pangga, hahahaha!)? I hope by the end of this year I’ll know what I really want so that I get to wake up each day with a passion and experience euphoria everytime I fix a bug (OA!). But whatever it is, I must remember I am here for a reason. As Einstein said, God doesn’t play dice – I couldn’t agree more. I just hope I’ll bloom wherever He plants me.
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
Ey guys, this is a cool way to earn money. Claire has earned $45 daw through this. Hmmm, masubukan nga...
Just register and blog away! :)
Friday, 2 February 2007
I'm restless because I don't know where I'll be when I reach my anniversary here in the workplace. Will I still be here or somewhere else - Lawson? Riverio? Canada? US? Hahahahaha yes pula ko og lubot. But why adamantly stay in a place when there are open doors somewhere else that can give you better opportunities for career growth? Trabaho lang, walang personalan :)
I'm restless because I don't know when I'll see my Pangga again. End of March? Oh how I wish. April so I can celebrate my birthday with him? Hayyyy sana Lord. Or May? June? July? Naku po Lord tagal nun... To date we've been apart for 91 days. That's 9 days shy from the 3digit mark. Sana naman noh di umabot ng 4digit...
I'm restless because I wanna know lahat ng katotohanan na ibubunyag ni Mang Oca at ni Chin-Chin ng Maging Sino Ka Man! Who is Eli's father? I'm 99% sure it's Fidel. But who's his Mom? Gloria? Chin-Chin? So shocks, magkapatid sila ni Jackie. Or si Jackie pala anak ni Mang Oca? Hahahahaha! I am excited to know how this soap will end. Ang gwapo talaga ni John Lloyd!!! Sigh...