Thursday, 26 June 2008

BB (as in Beri Beautiful) Cream

My very kikay friend Ria swears that Missha Perfect BB (blemish balm) cream, the latest craze in Korea, not only effectively cover blemishes but also heals the skin with its packed nutrients. So I tried it as soon as I received the sample pot from her (from Japan to UK... distance doesn't hinder us to exchange beauty finds as well as chismis!). Well she's absolutely right, I love it! My skin looks naturally flawless and glowing (see below). And the good thing is, it doesn't feel oily - feels light and seems like my skin can still breathe. As for its healing property, it's to soon to attest. Maybe a few months of continuous use that one can only see the improvement.

MAC has its own version of BB cream, the MAC strobe cream. I want to try it also and see if its better because of its brand. Will share my reviews about it a few months from now, that is if I'll remember to do that.


Monday, 23 June 2008

The dark side of Fashion for Less

I just finished watching a BBC documentary exposing the real cause why Primark's goods are cheap. Primark is like Landmark here in the UK. The only shop I know where you can get a decent, trendy blouse for £3, a dress for £5 and a jacket for £10. And those prices are regular prices, not on sale. Indeed in a country where Marks and Spencer is considered affordable and ordinary with the same status as our SM, Primark is a beacon of hope for me. And the droves shoppers that go to its store everyday is proof that I'm not alone in this delight.

I had wondered, that for in a country where retail tax is one of the highest in the world, how Primark can afford to yank their price tags so low. Well I got my answers from that BBC documentary.

BBC found out that workers employed by 3 of Primark's suppliers in India were being forced to work 66 hours a week with salary half the required minimum wage. And to meet Primark's demands to manufacture goods at very low cost, these suppliers outsourced works to women and children working in residential areas who were paid even less. BBC showed a heartbreaking video of children sewing each sequin of a beaded vest and they're just paid 50 pence for each finished vest.

From sweatshop to High Street: children sew sequins on to a Primark night vest (taken from BBC, here)

Primark of course denied that they knew about these practices of their 3 suppliers featured in the BBC's exposé. Primark cut off their ties from those suppliers saying that they don't tolerate any supplier violating their high ethical standards. But what Primark did was just running away, leaving those hundreds of workers unemployed. Now that is very unethical.

I do love cheap clothes for they allow me to experiment on fashion without burning a hole in my pocket. But after watching that, I am not sure if I'll be comfortable anymore wearing those clothes stashed in my drawer. I guess I'll have the uneasy feeling that maybe a child or a worker had been paid less than his/her effort in sewing my blouse. But there's also the dilemma that if I start boycotting the likes of Primark, along with others who are surely thinking of the same tonight, hundreds will lose the jobs that somehow bring a little bit of needed food on their tables. Hmmm, what to do?

Thursday, 19 June 2008

How sweet it is to be loved by you

Harley sent me a message this afternoon that if I would have time to spare I could check his new blog entry. It's his way of asking me to do something ASAP and trying not to appear pushy and excited about it. My immediate reaction was, wow may bagong blog ka, himala! (it's a miracle, you have a new blog!)

Harley is not blogger. He is an occasional writer. He only writes when he's in the mood and that's as frequent as me NOT buying a dress in a month =p The last entries I can remember, and I'm patting myself at the back because I can still remember them, he had written about our Christmas holiday that he had segregated to chapters - parts 1, 2 and 3. He published each part weeks apart that by the time he had the mojo to finish part 3 it was already end of February. Valentines already gone on its merry way but I was still reading about Christmas! That’s why I got curious this afternoon that even though work was crazy toxic, I took the time to copy and paste his new blog entry on a notepad and read it the moment I was sure the coast was clear (meaning my boss was somewhere he couldn’t see my monitor).

I was touched by his entry. Between the two of us he's the sweet one, the romantic one and the more showy of his feelings. He remembers details about our dates that I always get embarrassed when he catches me forgetting some uhm detail like the name of the restaurant we had our first date. Sometimes I get confused who’s the man or woman in our relationship. Only when he takes out his wallet to pay some meal that I get the epiphany that he’s the man =p I wonder why he ever puts up with me. Yeah I probably dropped too much gayuma (love potion) on his drinks that first date. Well I don't have a plan to rectify that. I don't mind being stuck here at the receiving end... *wink*

Here's a link of his entry. Warning, it's very, as in very mushy.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Being a W@Wie

What's that?

Well, that's how members of WeddingsAtWork yahoogroup call themselves.

I got the idea to subscribe to this mailing list from my uber pretty BFF na walang sinabi si Joyce Jimenez, Claire (tinatadtad ko sya ng praises kasi malapit na birthday nya and she offered, yes unbelievable - she offered!, to sponsor our unity coins). It's a group of brides-to-be (B2Bs) and husbands-to-be (H2Bs) discussing their plans, asking feedbacks about their prospect suppliers and sharing their creative ideas for wedding preparations that you can steal (hehehe). Also newlyweds W@Wies are still around to rate the suppliers they booked for their own wedding and to give much appreciated guidance to the anxious B2Bs.


Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Wanted: Wedding Planner

December 28, 2009 is the date.

Harley and I chose it because it's the most convenient for us. His family and relatives and our global friends can just singit attending the wedding when they go home for the holidays. It's still far - still a year and a half from now but would you believe it that I'm starting to get stressed out? Now that it's been two days since Harley went back to Kuwait, the engagement bliss is fading and fading fast! As I spend more time than usual in the shower imagining how the big day should look like I had to shake my head and wonder, what have I gotten myself into? I now have to look at my rocks to remind myself how happy I felt when I said 'Yes' :

I should not worry much about the preparations because that's the job of a wedding planner but I don't have one in mind yet. So, help?

I've taken the first step by screening some candidates through emails but I still prefer a friend to personally recommend or vouch for someone. I'm inexperienced of this. This is my first time to get married after all. So please if you can recommend a wedding planner, do drop me a message. Or if you or you know someone who hired any of the following planners we're eyeing to get, please send me comments.

Thank God I have two beautiful friends (Ria and Claire) already experienced about this sort of stuffs. I've been bombarding them with tons of emails asking their opinions about this or that. I hope they're not annoyed of my pestering. Well I'm annoyed with myself, worrying prematurely.. darn! It's still 1.5 year from now Georgia, so shut up for now... will ya?


Sunday, 1 June 2008

Taking a Bath

Bath, Somerset is a city in the south west of England. It's a famous tourist destination because of the Roman Baths (used by the Celts during 70-90 AD and later by the Romans when they invaded England), the Thermae Spa (if you want to sample Bath's famous hot springs in style) and the Georgian architectures of most of its buildings. Also, fans of Jane Austen, the author of Pride and Prejudice who lived here before, try to retrace her steps and find out for themselves what's in Bath that inspired Austen's famous literary works. It is another must-see city of UK, a country that seems like a one gigantic themed park.

View our pics.