Tuesday, 24 January 2012

There's something about Kuwait

My Russian boss (haha sounds like a mob boss!) who's been here in Kuwait for more than 20 years warned me, "There's something about Kuwait, you'll get used to the easy life. Before you know it you've been living here for a decade."

When I heard that I was in denial. No, that will never happen to me! Hubby promised will just stay here 5 years max and that's it. He's a man of integrity...

It's not that I hate Kuwait. I am honestly growing to like this country. After all it's safe here and having none of those internal conflicts that some Arab nations are experiencing. I just don't want to stay here long. Because of the following reasons:


Thursday, 19 January 2012

Is it more fun in the Philippines? Absolutely!

I cannot stop saying that I love the new tourism slogan “It’s more fun in the Philippines!”. It was time for a revamp; there was a serious need to replace or not continue with simply blah “Pilipinas Kay Ganda”....

Thank God we did not go back to “Wow Philippines!”. With “Wow...” black and white pictures of Banaue Rice Terraces and Hinulugang Taktak in my battered Sibika at Kultura textbook come to mind. It’s so yesterday!


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Future Donyatiks

Working women are good money managers. We are good at budgeting our monthly pay check, stretching it from here to there just so after paying up all the obligations we still have money left for shopping. We are also damn good at finding solutions in case we are broke.


Saturday, 14 January 2012

My 2012 Roadmap

The Mayans and Nostradamus predicted the world would end this year. I hope they’re so wrong. Well who’s ready for the end. Honestly, I am not. I don’t want all this to end and not be able to hug my loved ones ever again. Nah I don't wanna think about that!