Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Vote for Efren for CNN Hero of the Year. Apl.De.Ap's Take Me to the Philippines video.

Though I am currently living in a far away land, stories of Filipino heroic acts never failed to reach me. Mind you, I don’t have TFC. The internet is my only window to what’s going on back home. But these stories of the remarkable Filipino spirit have resonated and moved people around the globe. Here in the UK a few have been featured in the telly and newspapers.

The story of Muelmar Magallanes who lost his life, died of exhaustion after saving 30 people during the flooding.

The sorry of a Filipina catering business owner, immediately mobilizing her staff and her friends the day after the flood to provide delicious and most importantly clean food to the victims.

The story of my colleagues back home, who gladly pledged a portion of their salaries and were able to raise 100k in just 3 days to donate to the Ondoy flood victims.

... Countless admirable stories of our countrymen rallying, uniting to help the victims, our country, to recover from that catastrophe.

In all honesty, believe me in saying that I have never been this proud to be a Filipino.

But there is one story that has made me beam more with pride – the inspiring story of Efren Peñaflorida.

Efren or Kuya Ef despite of his own humble beginnings, thought more of how he can help impoverish kids in our country. He was still in highschool (August 1997) when he created the Dynamic Teen Company (DTC) to offer his classmates an outlet to lift up themselves and their community. Until today children flock DTC’s kariton (pushcart) classroom to learn reading, writing, arithmetic and English from Peñaflorida and his trained teen volunteers.

What he's been doing is so amazing that he is shortlisted, in top 10, a strong candidate to become CNN's Hero of the year. Let’s all vote for him. Now na!

Vote for Efren Penaflorida CNN Hero of the Year

Visit the Dynamic Teen Company’s website if you want help make a difference.

Here’s another to uplift the Filipino spirit. Watch Apl.de.ap's (of The Black Eyed Peas) music video just released on 1st of October TAKE ME TO THE PHILIPPINES. Enjoy!

Watch out for "In Baguio, Cebu, in Subic, I take ya!"

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