Monday, 19 February 2007

Happy BingDay!

I never expected that Bing and I will get this close – close kasi in our humble abode she sleeps on the lower deck of our double-deck bed, while my turf is the upper deck (o diba close.. oo corny :p). When she came to live with us last year, I thought our relationship will never go as far as housemates or dating project-mates (sa NEC). I’m so glad I was wrong… now we are close friends.

Bing has a very BIG heart, not only for her family and Lingkod sisters & brothers but also for her friends. Oh I wish that if I’ll trace our family tree I’m her long lost pamangkin. Kasi pag may sale sa Mall, she buys more clothes for her nieces than for herself – mga branded pa! What a generous Tita! =) She’s very considerate – she automatically thinks of others first than herself – she's very manggi-ikugon (with tail? hahahaha I don’t know the English & Tagalog word for this). She also never hesitates to correct you if she thinks you’re doing something wrong to the point of ruining yourself. But if she thinks you’re not open to criticism, stubborn or hardheaded (oo guilty ako dyan =p), she’ll just keep her opinion to herself and say “bahala na mo oi, mga dagku na bitaw mo” hahahaha! She’s also very wise, she’s the one you can run to for sound advices or if you just need someone to listen to you. She also cares a lot for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. I remember, when we had BIBO last year (we tutored Grade 4 kids at Baseco), she's very passionate of her commitment. Teacher Bing would stay up late to research for her English lessons or to prepare diagnostic exams and visual aids.

What I admire most about Bing is her close and going strong relationship with God. She didn’t badger me to join Lingkod, I joined because watching her live her life faithfully and contentedly in His arms and getting to know her more, she’s inspiration enough. I received a good news last week – that she’s going to be my Action Group leader in Lingkod (an Action Group is like a support group composed of 5 to 8 sisters). When I found out about that I was so glad because even if we’ll no longer be housemates next month (our contract in our condo will end by then and we have decided to go our separate ways and live independently) she’ll be able to guide me in my spiritual life and this will bring our relationship to the next level (naks!). Truly God has a way to steer me to the right path =)

I am so thankful of Bing for a lot of reasons. I hope all her dreams – for her career, her family and future family – will come true. She deserves all the blessings this world can offer. Bing, stand firm in your faith – keep up the good work, hehehe =) May you continue to inspire others to embrace God’s love as you inspired me.

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