Saturday 30 June 2012

Pregnancy Wardrobe Woes

My belly is getting bigger every day. I am not kidding.

me at 6 months

I feel like a penguin; I think I am now walking like a penguin. I feel huge. Every morning is a struggle to search my closet for a dress that still fits and is still office appropriate, i.e. I don’t look like a suman.

Suman or Budbod in Bisaya is a Filipino delicacy

Currently it is sale season. Most shops are posting 50% discount or more. The other day I dragged my husband to shop but I could not find anything that looked good with this huge belly of mine. Nothing fitted properly. It was torture! All I could do was drool. I ended up forcing hubby to buy new shirts for himself while I, cruel cruel world, left the mall empty handed.

Okay there are maternity shops here but most of their dresses are usually too big for my frame. They are made for Western or Arab women that make me look like a walking tent. Plus in my own opinion these maternity shops are seriously milking the pregnant women; everything is expensive. I can buy 3 normal dresses for the price of one. So if I can help it, no way!

In a few weeks I am sure I will run out of clothes that I can still wear. I guess I just have to be resourceful and creative to survive. Sigh.

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