At least I am consoled by the fact that part of the proceeds would go to typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) victims.
But I have to give credit to the artists though. I could see that they were trying their best to liven it up. It takes courage to go on stage and sing karaoke alone in front of thousands of fans without any backup singer to bail you out in case you go out of tune. It’s not easy dancing up there, telling everyone to parttyy, without any a soul of backup dancer behind them.
Pokwang was really hilarious. She brought the house down. Without her the show would be boring. I am a fan. Sam was so sweet. He defied the guards and hopped down the stage to personally shake the hands of his adoring fans. (Piolo later commented that he couldn’t go near the audience because Sam was reprimanded backstage for doing that.) I was surprised that Bea can hold her tune. I love her pink dress. If only I can borrow it. Piolo can also sing, impressive actually. But my attention kept on zooming to his biceps, which were still obvious, bulging even under long-sleeves sweater. And John Lloyd? Ahhh... the main reason why pinatulan ko to in the first place, was adorable. His comedic attempts to entertain everyone made him all the more endearing to my heart.

Pokwang harrassing a member of the audience

Pokwang doing her thing while singing the infamous Aegis song,
Nangangarap ng gising. Nakatulala sa hangin...

Oh why don't you smile my only star? Smile on baby. Smiillllee, my only star.
is still my favourite song of his

After this he got off the stage to greet his fans. Those at the front literally leapt from their seats and those at the back rows sprinted and swarmed onto him like there's no tomorrow. It took a few burly guards to break the crowd apart.

Bea is really pretty in person.

Singing a dance song without a backup dancer, plus dancing around the stage on 4-inch stiletto shoes... I admire the effort!

Ahhh... John Lloyd.

Bea and John Lloyd - their loveteam was one of the best, in my opinion.

C'mon, closer John Lloyd...

Awww John Lloyd, stop staring at me... *blush*

Piolo's biceps

Piolo singing Kailangan Kita. He sounded a bit miffed when the audience told him they would like him to sing this song. Tehee - he must really be sick and tired of singing it. Well he shouldn't have asked. Or he shouldn't have brought its minus one...

Sam, why the shocked expression...?

They ended the night by roll calling their sponsors. Makes me convinced that there was enough budget to give us a better concert!
I enjoyed the pre-show acts. The young performers were fantastic, pure raw talent. Boy, these kids can sing! I won't be surprised if all of them will be international hitmakers someday.

The Cachero sisters. These sisters already performed in the West End musical, Miss Saigon.

Natalie Grace Chua won Singer Songwriter UK at the age of 11. She has appeared at various Harry Potter films and was part of the band Angelis, managed by Simon Cowell.

Silverdale Boyz, who had already performed in serveral shows in the Philippines, and have 2 CD albums released under Camden Media Production. Their next album will be released in 2010.

Tru Colorz, whose achievements include: Top 24 X Factor 2009 Finalists and Filipino's Got Talent UK 2009 Winners
mas bongga pa ang production sa mga fillers kaysa mga artista mismo.
pero ing-ana lang man jud daw kasimple nang mga concert sa mga artista abroad, bongga na gani nang Hearthrobs kay sa theater jud giheld.
I have to say, Natalie Chua was outstanding. Natalie has appeared and performed for many charities this year and is working so hard for many people. Well done Natalie.
known man na na arte si piolo kung mag concert.. di daw kaau mo entertain ug fans.
kung wala sa london dili mopatol ug pinoy shows hehehe
@Ria May
yeah sayang lang di nila sinulit yung theatre. it was one of the reason why siguro obvious may kulang sa acts nila. malaki yung theatre, bare na isa lang kumakanta dun sa stage.
Yes I totally agree. Natalie was absolutely phenomenal. She can give Katherine Jenkins a run for her money. I hope I will see her perform live again.
lagi medyo artehon sya. didn't expect.
hehe okay na diri ko motan-aw. at least walay kaila, less chance of stampede pud kay gamay ra pinoy :P
Natalie Chua is doing a concert on November 20th for Childrens in Need in Milton Keynes. It is a major show with Natalie Chua headlining and performing a full set. If you would like some tickets.. let me know..
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated. Wow it's impressive that she's also involved with Children in Need...
Unfortunately it's difficult for me to get to Milton Keynes. Do you perhaps know if Natalie Chua has any upcoming shows within London in November?
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