Jake, a Harry Potter fan (Though I regard him as not a 100% HP fan because he has not completed all the films - just the books, he claimed. That's surprising, a guy who likes reading more than oogling at special effects?), asked me to take them to Platform 9 ¾. I agreed and then warned him not to expect anything because I had not been to platforms beyond 8 at King’s Cross. So yeah even if I read all the books and seen all films (and watched again Prisoner of Azkaban twice), I realized I was not a 100% fan either. Why I never had had any urge in my 1.5 years stay here in UK to go see if 9 ¾ did exist still baffles me!
So we went to King’s Cross Station last Sunday and got lost. But this sign was an indication that we were not the first HP fans to do so...
We followed the directions and voila, found it! Yipee yeah yey!
Blog hopping sis...nice post.. huhuhu bat wala ako sa blog list mo =( joke.
hi sis! thanks for dropping by. hehe sorry, just added you to my blog list.
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