Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Holidays & Georgia Coffee

I received 9 Georgia coffee from friends who came back from Japan. 8 (Oo 8! Malumos jud ko ani og kape hehehe) from Maila who's here for a vacation. She just graced us a few minutes with her presence last night to give us her omiyage in between her flights from Japan to Cebu. Grabe igo ra jud namo gisimhot si Maila...hehehe. And 1 from Ria, who is here to stay for good, for now maybe. Yes, only 1 from Ria - kuripot talaga :p Pero choks lang kasi binigyan naman nya ako ng boylet before she exited with a bang from Japan.

It really is time for the Holidays. Dear friends are reappearing after months of disappearing act. And this coming Saturday is the start of Simbang Gabi. I won't miss it - I'll try not to miss one Simbang Gabis as my thank-you to Him for a suprisingly good year. Ria, gisingin mo talaga ako...

with Ria sa French baker Landmark

with Maila sa Domestic Airport

1 comment:

aneshka said...

gai ko anang kape... wah! kasuya lingaw kau dira sniff..sniff